Year End Reflections By Mendy LipskerI travel extensively within the United States and abroad, and what I have noticed in my travels is how life is changing all of the time.

I’ve also noticed that a lot of people get locked into their own circles. Following up and continuing in your regular routine is very important, but occasionally breaking out of that routine and going to meet people in other communities, states, or places is also very important.

Be persistent and make the time to keep in touch – follow up with your clients, friends, and people you know just in general. When I come into new communities, sometimes it is for business, sometimes for vacations, but all of a sudden the people you meet are entrepreneurs. They come into town. They greet you, ask what you are doing, and what you are into. They want to know what are you buying, and what you are selling.

My point here is, and it’s a very short one, we live in a global world today with our social media and we can relate to one another so much easier than ever before. You will find that people from another place will be very happy to meet you, just as you are to meet them.

Life is short. Take the time to step outside your box and greet the world.

Mendy Lipsker
Mendy Realty Inc.
822 Montgomery St
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Phone: 646.662.5454